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L’eremita che denuncia i mali della Calabria

Credere -Italy-

The hermit who denounces the evils of Calabria

I met Frédéric in 2014 when by chance, while doing some research on the internet, I landed on a site that talked about Sant'Ilarione. I contacted him immediately. I didn't want to do a service on him, I wanted to meet him for some spiritual and personal matters. So we made an appointment and I went to see him. That day we talked a lot, about many things: God, personal experiences, many matters. He told me about his vocation and so I decided to ask him to do a work on him. It seemed strange to him, but in the end he accepted. I then met him to do the service, two days in a row spent together at the Hermitage of Sant'Ilarione, where paradise seems to have begun.

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