Some time ago I went to Poland to work on a report on the arrival of refugees from Ukraine to Europe.
I wanted to extend my work there because I felt it was important to witness with my own eyes, and especially with my camera, this epic exodus that had not been seen in Europe for a long time.
So I have carried out a new project that aims to help two foundations in Poland: Nidaros in Krakow and Regia Civita in Przemysl.
Both organizations work with refugees, both in Poland and Ukraine, by providing them with first aid kits, food, clothing etc etc.
My project "Bring me Back Home", is a photographic book containing 63 photos that I took during my stay in Poland. It also contains some testimonies, written in Italian, German and English, from some volunteers who helped at various levels
The book is a charity work: 100% of the net incomes will be used to support the foundations mentioned above.
I am also planning some exhibitions to be exposed in Italy and in Germany. Dates will coming soon.

- Size: 22x22.
- 63 black and white photos
- Text in English, Italian and German.
- 88/100 Internal pages.
- Extra white 170 gr paper.
- Cover 300 gr black and white, with title printed in silver relief.
- SPECIAL PRE-ORDER PRICE € 35,00 till May 20th
PRICE € 35,00
100% of net incomes will be donated to Nidaros Foundation and Regia Civitas Foundation in Poland.

Bring Me Back Home for companies is an initiative for Companies which want to take a position against the abuses of war and want to help refugees. Buying this book you as a company gift, (for Christmas for example) you will support a charity initiative, as well as you will give supporto to people in need and at the same time promote your company giving a sustainability image. Click here to see the brochure.
Dies ist eine Initiative für Firmen, die auf diese Weise etwas bewegen, eine Position gegenüber dem Missbrauch einnehmen und den Kriegsflüchtlingen helfen möchten. Ich empfehle Ihnen den Kauf des Buches „Bring me back home“ als Firmengeschenk zu Weihnachten. Auf diese Weise unterstützen Sie nicht nur eine humanitäre Sache und zeigen, dass Sie für den Frieden sind, sondern helfen Menschen in Not auch konkret. Indem Sie dieses Buch Ihren treuesten Kunden, Partnern und Mitarbeitern schenken, können Sie Werbung für Ihre Firma machen. Download Brochure hier.
Questa è un'iniziativa riservata alle aziende che vogliono prendere posizione contro gli abusi della guerra e aiutare i rifugiati. Con l'acquisto di Bring Me Back Home come regalo aziendale, oltre a dimostrare l'attaccamento ai valori del pacifismo, darete un aiuto concreto alle persone bisognose e potrete promuovere la vostra azienda regalando il libro ai vostri clienti più affezionati, partners e collaboratori. Scarica la brochure qui

In case you may want to have the Exhibition "Bring Me Back Home" in your home city, or if you want to have it for some planned events, please contact me here